Affinity Numerology : Number Meanings

Why Am I Seeing Certain Numbers So Much?

There seems to be an epidemic of number repetitions of late.

More and more, questions arriving at the Numerology Answers desk relate to the questioner seeing a certain number (or several distinct numbers) over and over again..

Because of the increased frequency of the questions, I thought I would address the subject in a separate article.

The number 11 is seen, a lot, from minutes after the hour to birth dates to telephone numbers. When the number 11 is present, it grabs the attention.

There seems to be an epidemic of number repetitions of late.

Repetitive numbers on clocks are also seen a lot. Examples are 3:33, 1:11, and 12:12.

Other numbers are also seen repetitively, especially numbers containing identical consecutive digits (like 11, 22, and 777) and numbers with a natural progression (like 123, 369, 7:14).

The number 911 is also seen quite often. That particular number seems to be burned into the subconscious of many of Earth's inhabitants.

Let's clear something up: Just because certain numbers are seen more often than others doesn't mean those numbers actually occur more often. It just means they are noticed more often than other numbers which are also present.

For example, someone might notice the time 1:11 twice a day, and not notice the times 3:37 or 12:53 at all. Yet, 3:37 and 12:53 occur just as often as 1:11 does.

Because 1:11 is noticed more often than any other time on the clock, it seems to the person that 1:11 occurs more often that it actually does.

But why the epidemic?

If you are reading this because you see certain numbers a lot, and this just started recently, like within the last 12-18 months, rest assured that you are not alone.

Extrapolating from the fact that a higher and higher percentage of questions submitted to Numerology Answers have to do with involuntarily focusing on certain specific numbers, I would say many people are walking around bewildered, some even frightened.

Yet, it's nothing to be frightened of.

See the Guide to 'Seeing the Same Number' Pages page for articles with information you can use.

A number represents certain vibrations. Those vibrations are neither good nor bad. But they contain both.

Like anything else that is neutral, it isn't really 100% composed of neutrality. Numbers are composed of both positive and negative energies, in near equal amounts, and in harmony with each other.

When you read about numbers described as negative or only really, really bad, realize it was written by someone who has a negative outlook on life, is an alarmist, is writing what s/he heard someone else say, or simply fails to also write about the positive aspects even though they are known.

There is no such thing as a bad number. There is no such thing as a good number. Except, and this is where numbers turn good or bad, in your perception or belief.

If you believe a certain number is bad, then its bad vibrations are more likely to have an effect on you than its good vibrations.

And if you believe a certain number is good, it's good vibrations are more likely to have an effect on you.

Belief does not change what the number is. It does, however, invite the effect of the number's corresponding vibrations.

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