Affinity Numerology : Number Meanings
Multi-digit Number Interpretations
All multi-digit numbers are composed of single digits, the digits 0 through 9.
Numerology multi-digit number meanings consider the digit the number is reduced to and every digit the number is composed of.
In other words, a digit is obtained by reducing the multi-digit number. The numerology meaning of multi-digit numbers is composed of the meaning of that reduced digit and also the meaning of each digit the multi-digit number is composed of.
I'll describe how it's done.
Here's an overview:
A single digit is obtained by reducing the multi-digit number. As an example, the multi-digit number 68 reduces to the digit 5 (6+8=14, 1+4=5). That reduced digit 5 represents the energy of the number 68.
Each digit of the multi-digit number represents the energy of that particular digit. As an example, the multi-digit number 68 has two single digits, 6 and 8.
A meaning interpretation for the multi-digit number is then made by considering the various energies represented by the digits: 5, 6, and 8.
To compose an interpretation of the meaning of a multi-digit number, the energies represented by the digits are considered to be coexisting, not to be blended together. The two ideas of "coexist" and "blended together" are defined this way:
coexisting — The energies are together, but they're individual. While the energies of each digit will affect the effect of each digit, they won't change the energies themselves. To illustrate, imaging three crayons in a box. One is red, another is yellow, and the third one is blue. They coexist in the box and none of them affect the color of the others. This is how the energies of multi-digit numbers are interpreted for numerology meanings.
blended together — The energies intermingle and blend together. To illustrate, imagine three crayons; red, yellow, and blue; melted and stirred together. The result would be a different color, probably a dark gray. Numerology number interpretations are not interpreted this way.
The difference between coexisting and blended together is presented to dissolve any questions about what is meant and not meant by energies coexisting.
How Multi-digit Number Meanings Are Composed
Now, let's proceed using the multi-digit number 68 as an example.
The number 68 reduced to a single digit is the number 5. The number 68 is composed of the digits 6 and 8. Therefore, we have three digits; 5, 6, and 8; each representing a certain volume of energy for the meaning of the whole.
The energy represented by the digit that the multi-digit number (the number 68) is reduced to (the digit 5) contributes over half the volume of the number meaning.
The energy represented by the first digit of the multi-digit number (the digit 6) is next in line for volume. The energy represented by subsequent digits each contribute less than the previous one, which in the example is only the digit 8.
Coexisting, with 5 represented by the color red, 6 represented by the color yellow, and 8 represented by the color blue, the relative volume of each is approximated with this image.

As you can see, the digit 5, which 68 is reduced to, provides over half of the meaning of the number 68. Of what remains, the digit 6 provides more than the digit 8.
To compose an interpretation of the meaning of the number 68, I outline a description of the energies represented by the digits 5, 6, and 8 in similar proportions. You can see the result in the Number 68 Meaning article.
Similarly with the meanings of all multi-digit numbers: The reduced digit contributes the most volume. Then the digits of the multi-digit number as they're positioned from left to right.
The index to number meanings articles has links to numerous multi-digit numbers. Studying those can result in more certainty about your understanding.