Affinity Numerology : Number Meanings
About Multi-Digit Number Meanings
Many personal numerology charts contain only foundation numbers.
But multi-digit numbers also can be meaningful in personal charts. They can augment interpretations of numerology chart positions that generally contain a foundation number. (Foundation numbers can be two-digit master numbers, although they generally are single digit.)
The numerology meaning of a number is the interpretation of the energy the number represents.
Every multi-digit number represents a unique energy. Thus, the number has a meaning different than all other numbers. The difference may sometimes be slight, but always unique.
Consulting the meaning multi-digit numbers can add a depth to a personal reading not otherwise available.
I'll show you how to determine the meaning of multi-digit numbers according to the energy they represent.
Every digit, and the order they appear in, are important for determining the meaning of a multi-digit number. The foundation number is important, too.
The multi-digit number meaning is interpreted from the energy resulting in a combination of (1) the foundation number energy and (2) the energy represented by each digit of the multi-digit number.
Let's approach the concept again —
The unique energy represented by a multi-digit number is a composite. The composite is composed of:
The energy represented by the calculated foundation number of the multi-digit number.
The energy represented by each digit of the multi-digit number, the first digits having more representation within the composite than later digits.
The energy of the foundation number and the energies of the individual digits are blended together. The result is a determination of the unique energy represented by the multi-digit number.
How to Determine the Meaning of a Multi-digit Numerology Number
As mentioned earlier, the meaning of a numerology number is an interpretation of the energy the number represents.
So the first thing is to determine what the energy is. And the second is to interpret the energy.
Illustration using the number 68.
Let's use the multi-digit number 68 to illustrate the process.
The first step is to reduce the number 68 to its foundation number.
To do that, the digits are added together. If the sum is larger than 9, the digits are added together again. The process is repeated until the sum is 9 or less. (Additional details and illustrations.)
6 + 8 = 14
1 + 4 = 5
The foundation number of 68 is the number 5.
The foundation number (5) and the digits of the multi-digit number (6 and 8) all have an influence on the energy represented by the number 68.
The influence of the reduced number is a bit more than half of the total influence.
The rest of the influence is from the digits 6 and 8. The first digit having a bit over half the influence that's left and the last digit the rest.
Here is a representation of the amount of influence each has on the whole of the energy represented by the multi-digit number 68.
The energy represented by the number 68 is composed of the energies represented by the numbers 5, 6, and 8, in approximately the proportions illustrated by the above graph.
Thus, the 68 essence contains
- the 5's essence, such as curiosity, wit, and expression of a personal sense of freedom,
- plus a dose of the 6's essence, such as home, idealism, and harmony,
- plus a dose of the 8's essence, such as business, efficiency, and realism,
the blend resulting in an essence unique.
The meaning of any number calculator can be used to reveal additional information about the multi-digit number 68, or any other number.
Illustration using the number 682.
Now, let's illustrate with another multi-digit number, the number 682.
The foundation number of the multi-digit number 682 is the number 7. The calculation is thus:
6 + 8 + 2 = 16
1 + 6 = 7
The number 7, being the foundation number, contributes approximately 55% of the influence to the energy that represents the number 682.
The first of the digits that compose the multi-digit number 682, the digit 6, influences approximately 55% of the balance. Then, the second digit, the digit 8, influences about 55% of what's left. The digit 2 then has the rest of the influence.
Thus, the 682 essence contains
- the 7's essence, such as introspection, intuition, and wisdom,
- plus a dose of the 6's essence, such as home, idealism, and harmony,
- plus a dose of the 8's essence, such as business, efficiency, and realism,
- plus a dose of the 2's essence, such as teamwork, relationships, and diplomacy,
this blend resulting in an essence unique.
As before, the meaning of any number calculator can be used to reveal additional information about the multi-digit number 682 or any other number.
The meaning of any numerology number is an interpretation of the energy the number represents in relation to what it applies to, or in in relation to the situation or circumstances where the number occurs.
The energy a multi-digit number represents is a composite. The composite is revealed with the steps illustrated above.
The index to number meanings articles has links to full-page articles for numerous individual multi-digit numbers. If the one you're interested in isn't on the list, the meaning of any number calculator can provide quite a bit of information.