Affinity Numerology : Lucky Names and Numbers
Your Lucky Months
What does it mean to have a lucky month?
Generally, it means the month goes well, better than most.
The concepts of "lucky", "very lucky", "not very lucky", and "unlucky" are subjective. While, for many people, "lucky" means the month goes better than most months, for other people it means nothing bad happening.
In numerology, a lucky month is a month in harmony with the energies represented by the person's numerology chart.
Better resonance with the person's numerology chart tends to attract more of the types of things — events, circumstances, environmental changes, opportunities — that are in accord with the person.
The more resonance, the luckier the month is likely to be.
The reason is this: Something in harmony with your name or birth date tends to be more appropriate and satisfactory than something in dissonance.
Experiencing what is invited or desired is lucky.
An Example
Let's assume a person's life path number is the number 5, a number that represents an energy vibrating with personal expression of freedom. Freedom can be expressed by things such as travel, learning new things, experiencing new lifestyles or societies, and writing fiction.
Now, let's say an opportunity to travel comes about. The number 5 energy of that opportunity resonates well with the person's number 5 life path. Thus, it's considered a lucky opportunity.
A person with a life path number 4, on the other hand, is less likely to have an opportunity to travel or, if present, is likely to reject it.
Number 4 energy is pragmatic and focused on reaching predetermined goals, especially as related to a secure foundation for the future. Travel, unless it is directly related to work, is likely to be considered frivolous.
Abundance of raw materials, productive helpers, and a ready market are types of things more attracted to the number 4 than the number 5.
Numerology lucky months are personal.
Your lucky months are lucky for you. The luck they attract resonate with who you are.
Use the lucky months tool to calculate which months are likely to be lucky months for you — for both this year and next year.