Affinity Numerology : Lucky Names and Numbers
What Makes a Numerology Number Lucky
Lucky numerology numbers are lucky because the numbers resonate with your personal numerology chart.
The lucky numbers represent what you tend to attract into your life and what you tend to be attracted to — what you are most comfortable with.
In other words, what your lucky numerology numbers attract are the very things that resonate well with your chart.
The numbers of your personal chart represent certain energy. Energy has a resonance. Numerology numbers that are lucky for you have a similar resonance.
The resonance attracts similar energies.
Your lucky numbers are numbers that represent energy that you, yourself, resonate well with.
Lucky numbers both:
Reside in the letters and numbers your birth name and birth date are composed of.
Are derived from calculations based on your birth name and birth date.
A lucky numerology number tends to be stronger (attract more of what resonates with its energy), when:
The same number is repeated in the personal numerology chart.
One or more of the numbers the current calendar date is composed of (universal numbers) is identical to the lucky number.
All the numbers in your numerology chart, including the numbers of your birth date and the numbers represented by the letters of your name, are considered to be lucky numbers. Their strength varies depending on their resonance with universal numbers, the individual number's importance in the chart, and the number repetition.
Universal Numbers
The numbers the current calendar date is composed of and the numbers calculated from it may also have significance. These are universal numbers.
Universal numbers of the current calendar date have significance when one or more are identical to personal lucky numerology numbers. The resonance established between the universal number and the personal lucky number tend to increase the energy of the lucky number, making it stronger.
The higher the resonant energy of a lucky number, the more the number attracts the circumstances that resonate with it.
Other 'Strength' Factors
The strongest of your lucky numbers are these two:
The number calculated from your birth name.
The number calculated from your birth date.
They have the most long-term effect.
If the two are identical, or if they match another lucky number in your numerology chart, they are even stronger.
If one of those numbers matches a universal number, it also makes the lucky number stronger.
Calculating Lucky Numbers
Fortunately, you don't have to calculate your own.
Online lucky number calculators are linked from the Numerology Tools page. You'll also find lucky number calculators (and articles) linked to at the lucky numbers index page.
These two calculators are a good place to start:
Numerology Lucky Numbers Tool (for various categories of lucky numbers)
Daily Numerology Lucky Numbers Calculator (for daily lucky numbers)
Lucky numbers are the numbers in your personal numerology chart. They are the numbers your birth date is composed of and the numbers represented by the individual letters of your birth name. They are also the numbers resulting from calculations done on your birth date and birth name.
They are lucky because they tend to attract circumstances that resonate with them and, thus, with your own numerology chart.