Affinity Numerology : Lucky Names and Numbers

Personal Lucky Days

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Numerology calculations reveal which days are your numerology lucky days.

On numerology lucky days, everything is more likely to feel exactly right, and things tend to happen the way you want.

To determine numerology lucky days, the results of

  • calculating your date of birth and
  • calculating the current calendar date

are compared. About every nine days during each month of the year, the results of both calculations will be highly compatible.

Those are numerology lucky days.

As with all numerology calculations and interpretations, the lucky day conclusions represent a tendency or likelihood. Your life is not forced to comply. And you have free will.

The lucky day calculations do, however, reveal the days that are most likely to be lucky.

People have various ideas about what a lucky day is. Of course they do. They have different numerology charts and different life experiences.

As an example, someone may consider winning the lottery to be the only way they can have a lucky day. Or perhaps, if they have health issues, another person may consider waking up in the morning to be a lucky day.

For others, a lucky day is simply when everything feels right. The future looks bright. People smile more. Life is delightful.

Whatever a lucky day means to you, it is more likely to happen on a numerology lucky day.

That's because the resonance of the lucky day most closely matches the resonance of your birth date.

Like attracts like. The resonance of the day attracts events and circumstances that match, or are compatible with, the resonance. It also tends to repel events and circumstances with a dissonant vibration.

Here is an overview of how it works.

  1. The events and circumstances that are compatible with a person's numerology chart also tend to be the most appreciated.

  2. When both the birth date resonance and the calendar date resonance match, there is a double attraction of the things the person is likely to most appreciate.

  3. When the person's birth date calculations match the calendar date calculations, what tends to be attracted are things that are compatible with a person's numerology chart.

That is why certain days are numerology lucky days — the most likely to be appreciated.

Use the lucky days calendar creator to see which dates are your numerology lucky days.

The tool determines all the lucky days for the next 10 weeks — the days that are more likely to be lucky days for you.

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