Affinity Numerology : Lucky Names and Numbers

Lucky Name for Your Company

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A lucky company name tends to attract success for the company. An unlucky company name tends to distract success.

Of course a lucky name won't, by itself, make the company a success. It still requires whatever action is necessary to achieve whatever success is defined to be.

In other words, having a fortunate name can help. The name may attract success by attracting the people who can make it a success. It may attract the attention of customers. In all cases, however, action is required. Good business practices are as much or more responsible for a company's success than is the company's name.

Because this is a numerology website, let's talk about lucky company names as they relate to numerology.

In numerology, names represent energy. This applies as much to company names as it does to people names.

The energy of a company name resonates at certain frequencies.

Those frequencies tend to attract ideas, events, and situations that resonate at a similar frequency. And they tend to distract or avoid such with a dissonance.

When the energy of a company name resonates so it attracts what is related to its success, then it is considered to be a lucky company name. An unlucky company name would tend to distract what is needed to be a success.

Therefore, before a company name can be determined to be lucky, a definition of success needs to be composed.

For one company, success might be attaining 25% or more of the new housing construction contracts. For another, it may be a recognition of being the best social events or party store in town.

It depends on the company.

What do you want for your company that, if it were reached, would mean the company is a success?

When that is known, it is possible to determine a lucky company name per numerology.

Use the free online numerology best company name tool to find the number that best represents your definition of success for the company. If no number represents everything you envision as company success, select a second number to help fill it in.

Then, provide the tool with a list of list of company names that are suitable for you.

When you submit the Get Best Company Name button, the tool responds with your list of company names so you can review them. Below that, the tool will list the company name (or names, if more than one have the same top calculation result) that is the best in the list you provided — assuming any name resonates with your specified number or numbers.

With a clear definition of success and the one or two numbers that best resonate with that definition, you can determine which of a list of names is the luckiest for your company.

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