Affinity Numerology : Often Asked Numerology Questions

Ubiquitous Reminders of an Absent Person

A seemingly permanent separation from a loved one can be traumatic, especially if it was sudden. The person left behind is likely to notice many things in the environment that are reminders of the absent one.

As the responder to numerology questions, I occasionally receive queries about a certain number the person keeps seeing that is associated with an absent person – a breakup or a death, usually.

Be that as it may, there are other types of reminders, not just numbers.

There is likely to be one type of reminder that keeps popping up. It can seem to be everywhere.

Here are example types of reminders.

  • The absent person's favorite color. Suddenly, it is noticed the world contains many more things with that color.

  • A favorite style of hat or other article of clothing. The favorite style can seem to be everywhere.

  • The person's favorite number. The number is noticed more on clocks, receipts, prices, printed graphs, license numbers, and so forth. Perhaps the number is frequently noticed on only one type of item, such as clocks. Generally, the number is noticed on many items.

  • The absent person's favorite country or the country the person has yearned to visit. The number of news items or published articles mentioning the country, or products made in the country, can suddenly seem to be all around.

Something in mind tends to be noticed more frequently in the environment. Similar with a person in mind, reminders of a memorable aspect of the person are noticed more often.

It's not that the world has suddenly sprouted countless numbers of the thing. It's just that they are now noticed more often.

The more the reminder is noticed, the more the person's absence is lodged in the mind.

It can take time, sometimes a lot of time, to dissolve enough mental focus on the absent person to reduce the number of reminders noticed in the environment. At a certain point, rate of dissolution can increase and the reminders correspondingly decrease.

Being aware of one reason why reminders are seen so frequently (because the absent person is on one's mind) may help to banish the reminders sooner than otherwise would be the case.

If you want to.

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