Affinity Numerology : Often Asked Numerology Questions

Seeing a Number Again and Again

Noticing a certain number in the environment repetitively and consistently may be a signal or message for you. Or not. Some types of signals and messages are addressed further below.

First, a Warning About Repetitively Seeing the Same Number

There is a certain danger to seeing a number again and again.

"Danger" may be too strong a word for most cases, for which "annoyance" may be a better description.

It happens like this:

  • A certain number or combination of numbers is seen a few times. The mind wonders about it. (Mysteries coerce the mind into trying to find the answer.)

  • Not having a satisfactory answer to why the repetition, the mind is sensitized to similar occurrences in the environment.

  • Because the mind is now sensitized to the number, the number is noticed more often.

  • The number being noticed more often, with no satisfactory answer forthcoming, the mind is made even more sensitive to it. Which makes the number be noticed more often than ever.

  • Finally, there is no occurrence of the number anywhere in the person's environment that remains unnoticed.

The mystery can become a real problem to the mind, an annoyance. If the mind becomes so fixed on finding the answer that other mental processes are assigned less priority, it can be a real danger to the person's continued well-being.

Reasons for Seeing the Same Number Again and Again

Repetitively seeing the same number more often than other numbers that are present in the same quantity may be a signal or message for the person. On the other hand, it is possible no message is involved.

The person's subconscious mind or the higher self of the person may cause a certain number or set of numbers to be noticed because that number or set has special significance to the person.

When seeing the same number again and again it can feel like there must be a reason. Therefore, we'll assume there is.

Every reason is personal. The signal or message is personal.

Although each is personal, many of the reasons for repetitively seeing the same number can be categorized.

Signals to Self

As examples, a signal may be a reminder of something agreed to, something coming up, or a confirmation that a companion (guardian angel, for example) is complying with an agreement.

The meaning of the number itself may be unique or the number may have a generally accepted meaning.

If unique and the number is not understood, a professional and responsible psychic or tarot reader may be consulted for ideas related to the meaning. If a genrally accepted meaning of the number is considered more likely, a professional and responsible numerologist may be consulted.

Further, these articles address some number meanings and there are published answers to questions about specific numbers.

A Message for You

Noticing a certain number or set of numbers in the environment repetitively and consistently may be a message for you.

A message may be originated by the higher self of the person you are, your guardian angel, or another entity.

The message is likely to be benevolent. As examples, the message may be

  • a reminder of something coming up,
  • an urging to notice something specific in your environment,
  • a warning of certain consequences if things continue to go as they are going,
  • a report that things are proceeding as planned,
  • or a hug from a spiritual companion.

A professional numerologist, psychic, or tarot reader may be consulted to help determine what the number-represented message is.

If it is indeed a message, the one originating the message is likely to provide as much clarity as possible. Yet, the clarity may be muddied by the recipient's beliefs, attitudes, or blatant unacceptance.

Noticing a certain number again and again may be a signal or message for you. Or not.

Although other numbers are in the person's environment as often or more than the number being focused on, the other numbers remain mostly unnoticed. The seemingly unusual focus or repetitive seeing of the one number can make one feel like a message is trying to be communicated.

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