Affinity Numerology : Often Asked Numerology Questions
How I Got Started With Numerology
Numerology crept up on me when I wasn't expecting it.
On a certain day over a third of a century ago, in 1983, I was learning my second software programming language and I needed a project to practice on. A real software project would speed my conceptual understanding faster than just reading the manuals and doing the examples.
A friend handed me a numerology book and said, "Here, maybe you can program this."
I looked through the book, spending several hours at it.
Gradually, my conclusion became, "I can do this."
"It's perfect for a software project," was my thought. "Because numerology employs exact mathematical calculations."
The number for each position in a numerology chart is obtained with a specific formula. Numerology is always exact, I found out, so long as no error is made in the calculations. Unlike manual calculations, good software is unable to make calculation errors.
The more I worked with numerology, the more I liked it.
The interpretations of the calculations, however, were more than I was able to assimilate quickly.
Interpreting the Calculations
The first interpretations for my new software were copied entirely from that first book.
As I worked with them, I began to understand that it wasn't the numbers themselves that are interpreted, but the energy represented by the numbers. I then started seeing some of the reasons why certain things were interpreted in certain ways.
After several months, I purchased another numerology book so I could study the interpretations of another professional numerologist. Soon thereafter, I purchased a third numerology book. Others followed.
The energies represented by the numbers at specific numerology chart positions don't change. But interpretations by the various professional numerologists differed. Some differed considerably.
Thinking about the seeming conflict, I came to a conclusion. Professional numerologists compose their interpretations according to their own unique understanding of the craft. While the essence of their interpretations generally were similar, descriptions and examples tended to be different.
Some had better writing skills than others. Each had their own understanding.
No longer did I perceive conflict.
From that point forward, my assimilation and understanding of numerology energies was easier.
As my understanding evolved, I began writing my own interpretations.
My interpretations started as a blend of the interpretations from the books I referenced. Gradually, my understanding expanded. The interpretations I composed evolved to only reflect my own understanding of the energies represented by numerology numbers.
42 Years Later
The years have not been idle. I continued studying numerology and improving my understanding.
That first version of the numerology software has evolved and has been rewritten using various software programming languages.
The website provides free numerology readings to the public with software I built. The readings contain interpretations I wrote.
You are welcome to get your own free numerology reading.
Today, you'll find my interpretations lean toward exactly what the energy really is — an influence, not a directive.
Numerology does not compel. Free will does, in fact, exist.
The energies represented by numerology numbers don't make things happen. They do, however, provide a nudge, an enticement, an attraction that may or may not be felt or perceived. Events, ideas, opportunities, and circumstances that resonate with the energy are attracted to the energy.
That's why my interpretations tend to state something is likely to happen; that there's a tendency for a certain outlook; that such and such is probable. It may seem wishy-washy or indecisive to write interpretations that way. Yet, it is the way the energies influence people.
You see, in the end, although the circumstances within which they find themself can have an impact, quality of life generally is up to the individual, their outlook and their actions or inactions. Numerology doesn't force things; it only provides an influence. Self-determination and free will always prevail.
Some Differences between Free and Paid Readings
Full, complete numerology readings are unlikely to be found free on the internet. Free online readings rarely include the major cycles, for example. Or the planes of expression. Or the transits.
Here's why.
Years and years of study and practice are necessary to become a real professional. During all that time, other opportunities must be ignored in order to maintain focus on becoming a competent numerologist. It can be a heavy opportunity cost.
It's unlikely that a real professional numerologist will give away the result of their years of dedication.
One result is the ability to provide comprehensive numerology readings for individuals — with understandable interpretations of the energies the person's chart numbers represent.
Here are some chart positions rarely found in free online readings:
- The hidden passion.
- The cornerstone letter.
- The planes of expression.
- The essence transits.
- The balance number.
- The bridge number.
- The various major cycles.
- The capstone letter.
- The intensification numbers.
- The power number.
- The inner talents.
This website associates with a numerologist and their team to provide full, complete readings — readings you can rely on.
Click to get yours.
P.S. The tendencies and likelihoods of the numerology energy represented by your chart, once understood, can give you an edge, bring a higher expectation of happiness, or reveal that additional boost or nudge to achieve success.