Affinity Numerology : Often Asked Numerology Questions
General Forecasts vs Specific Predictions
Numerology calculations are exact. When you add or subtract numbers, the result is unvarying. It is a mathematical exactness.
However, numerology interpretations almost always are general.
How can that be? The calculation is exact but the interpretation is general?
The numbers in calculated results represent certain numerology energy. The numerology energies tend to attract that which resonates with it and tend to distract that which is in dissonance.
Therefore, interpretation of numerology results usually has to do with likelihoods or tendencies.
Individuals and their circumstances differ, even those with identical numbers in the same positions on their numerology charts. Their numerology energy has the same resonance, but the individuals have different personal life circumstances.
The numerology energy provides a gentle nudge in the direction that best resonates with it. It does not push hard or demand, but the gentle nudge is persistent.
A person's life circumstances can make a huge difference on how much or how little effect that nudge has.
Further, a person has free will. Free will is stronger than the gentle nudge of numerology energy.
Examples of Same Energy and Different Circumstances
Here are examples of people with the same number in a numerology chart position, yet they have diverse life experiences.
Example 1 —
Let us talk about two people with a number 8 life path, both the same age and the same gender. But they live in different areas: one of them lives in an economically abundant area and the other in an economically depressed area.
The number 8 as a life path number represents energy that indicates (among other things) a likelihood of material abundance. There is a tendency for events and circumstances to support the doing of great works and the acquisition of material means.
Although both people have the same life path number, their circumstances are quite different. Even with identical numerology energy, the person in the economically fortunate area is more likely to have opportunity for material acquisition than is the person living in an area with less abundance.
Example 2 —
Let's say there are two people with a destiny number 6. As in the previous example, both are the same age and gender. The difference, in this example, is that one is married and the other has no prospects of marriage.
The number 6 destiny number represents energy that indicates (among other things) a gravitation toward a harmonious home, a healthy family, and strong ideas about right and wrong.
Although both people have the same destiny number, their life experiences are different. Each will participate in their destiny within different circumstances.
Interpretations Are General
Applied to the general population, numerology interpretations are general. The same interpretation will apply to different people in different ways.
Because they apply to anyone, automated numerology readings must be general. The software has no knowledge of the individual's life circumstances.
One-on-one consultations can be more specific. Interpretations can be customized as they apply to the individual client. Even so, they are likelihoods and tendencies. Individuals have free will, and that free will might or might not align with the numerology interpretation.
You, however, know your circumstances. When you get an automated numerology reading, mentally apply the interpretations to your individual circumstances for a better understanding of the tendencies likely to affect your life.