Affinity Numerology : Often Asked Numerology Questions
A Guide to Free Online Numerology Calculators
This website has dozens of free online numerology tools and calculators.
This web page has been written to provide guidance about the three types of calculators — personal characteristics, life path, and romance & marriage — with links to the calculators in those categories.
There are other types of calculators in addition to those categories, but the three lists contain most of the calculators on the calculators index page.
These are the 3 types of tools and calculators:
The Personal Characteristics list includes character traits such as personality, destiny, heart's desire, and outlook on life.
The Life Path list includes career suggestions and also events and circumstances likely to occur in the future.
The Romance & Marriage list includes marriage dates and compatibility.
The lists are further below. A few calculators are listed in more than one category.
Let's jump right in and list the tools and calculators for the 3 categories.
Here's the list for the first category.
1. Personal Characteristics
This list includes character traits such as personality, destiny, heart's desire, and outlook on life.
Heart's Desire Number Calculator
Quiescent-self Number Calculator
Here's the list for the second category.
2. Life Path
This list includes career suggestions and also events and circumstances likely to occur in the future.
The Essence Transit Calculator
Life Challenges Delineated Calculator
Life Challenges Overlapped Calculator
Numerology Personal Day Calendar
And here's the list for the third and last category in this article.
3. Romance & Marriage
This list includes marriage dates and compatibility.
Auspicious Marriage Date (not free)
Likely True Love Dates Calculator
The above 3 lists link to useful online tools and calculators, categorized for your convenience.
Be sure to visit the tools and calculators page for a quick perusal of the ones that didn't make it into the 3 categories.