Affinity Numerology : Often Asked Numerology Questions

5 Benefits You Get From Numerology

Image for '5 Benefits You Get From Numerology' numerology article

This could be a long article. This could be a book. But I'll stick to describing 5 numerology benefits that can apply to you.

  1. Enhanced understanding of personal characteristics.

  2. Marriage compatibility revealed.

  3. Compatible careers determined.

  4. Calculated change-of-life prediction.

  5. Yearly personal interest and motivation changes disclosed.

Numerology, paid or free, in person or online, can provide incalculable benefits for those who pay attention and use it for bettering their own lives.

Numerology is available to virtually everyone. Books abound. Free readings are available to anyone with an internet connection. Paid readings can be obtained by those who want to find out even more about themselves, their lives, and what to expect in the future.

The 5 Benefits of Numerology

Here are 5 of numerology's many benefits. Each of these individual benefits can generally be obtained from free readings, paid readings, and/or personal consultation with a professional numerologist.

  1. Enhanced understanding of personal characteristics.

    The number at the numerology chart position labeled "destiny" resonates with energy that can be interpreted as personal characteristics — the essence of the individual you recognize as yourself and the way you view, approach, and experience life.

    Your Numerology Chart Destiny Number article investigates that idea.

    Numerology Destiny Tool is free to use for a better understanding of your personal characteristics.

  2. Marriage compatibility revealed.

    Although compatibility by itself does not determine whether or not a marriage is successful, it is important for long-term understanding and peaceful co‑existence in a marriage relationship.

    100% compatibility is unlikely. The Marriage Compatibility article explores that.

    Marriage Compatibility Reading is free to use for revealing how much compatibility there is in your marriage, or between you and the person you are thinking of marrying.

  3. Compatible careers determined.

    When a career resonates with the energy represented by the person's numerology chart, fulfilment of career duties is likely to be easier and more enjoyable. Thus, it is more likely to be considered a success.

    The Choosing a Career article has more information about careers and how to choose them.

    The Career Suggestions Tool tool is free to use for obtaining a list of types of careers that resonate with the energy represented by your numerology chart.

  4. Calculated change-of-life prediction.

    Something happens about midlife — your power energy comes into force. This change is often referred to as a change of life.

    The The Power Number article discusses why the change of life is more dramatic for some than it is for others.

    Power Number Calculator lets you get your own predictions.

  5. Yearly personal interest and motivation changes disclosed.

    There is a certain numerology energy that changes every year. Something changes for you near the end of one year and into the beginning of the next. The nature of the change is predictable.

    The What Personal Year Changes Do article describes the meanings associated with the yearly change.

    The Personal Year Calculator is free to use for disclosing the types of things to expect during the current year and the following year.

As already indicated, there are many reasons to use numerology, many benefits to gain. The Using Numerology index page has links to dozens of articles describing areas of numerology that may be of interest to you.

Giving Numerology Benefits To Friends

Guiding others to the web pages linked above, or simply sharing their locations, helps your friends find out more about themselves.

Numerology can provide incalculable benefits. The more involved you are in helping others, the more you learn about yourself and about people in general.

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