Affinity Numerology : Lucky Names and Numbers

Comparing Lottery and Personal Lucky Numbers

The facts about playing personal lucky numbers in a lottery.

Lottery lucky numbers are different than personal lucky numbers.

Sometimes a game's lottery lucky numbers intersect with a person's personal lucky numbers for a specific game. In that case, the person wins.

But the win wasn't because of the personal lucky numbers. Instead, the win was because of the lottery lucky numbers. That the two types of lucky numbers intersected was happenstance or synchronicity.

There are a number of different types of lucky numbers. Below, I'll compare lottery lucky numbers and personal lucky numbers.

Lottery lucky numbers are lucky because they are the winning numbers of a lottery game. The lucky numbers are determined when the winning numbers are selected for that particular game.

There's only one set of lottery lucky numbers for any individual game.

Personal lucky numbers are lucky because they attract events, circumstances, attitudes, and ideas that most closely resonate with them. Their resonance attracts things with like resonance.

There are as many different sets of personal lucky numbers as there are different people.

An Example Lottery Game

Let's use an example lottery game to better understand the comparison and differences of personal lucky numbers and lottery lucky numbers.

The example lottery game has 10,000 players. Of those players, 100 play their personal lucky numbers.

Therefore, in this example lottery game, 1% play their personal lucky numbers and 99% don't.

In this lottery, 100 people play their personal lucky numbers. Which one will win?

Nobody's personal lucky numbers are more powerful than anybody else's personal lucky numbers.

They can't all win.

In fact, there's a 99% chance that not one of the people who played their personal lucky numbers will win. The odds aren't in their favor.

In the example game, the odds for a person to win who played their personal lucky numbers is the same as the odds for a person to win who did not play their personal lucky numbers — 10,000:1

Nobody knows who will win until the winning numbers are determined. Those are the lottery lucky numbers.

When it comes to lottery, personal lucky numbers have no extra power at all. That's proven every time someone who did not play their lucky numbers still wins.

When someone plays their personal lucky numbers and wins, people sometimes conclude that the person won because they played their personal lucky numbers.

But that's a false conclusion. The win is because the person played the lottery lucky numbers, not because they played their personal lucky numbers. The 99 other people who played their personal lucky numbers did not win. Therefore, to conclude the win is because personal lucky numbers were played is a false conclusion.

(If the conclusion were correct, all the people who played their personal lucky numbers would have won.)

Anybody who plays the lottery lucky numbers, wins. Nobody else wins, whether or not they played their personal lucky numbers.

Personal Lucky Numbers May Have an Effect on Winning

Yes, personal lucky numbers can affect whether or not a person wins. But not the way one would think.

Like does attract like. Therefore, one would think personal lucky numbers attract lottery lucky numbers so they intersect and let a person win.

If there was only one person playing the lottery, that may be true. When there's more than one person playing the lottery, however, everybody else's personal lucky numbers also attract. Each attraction being equal in force, none is dominant.

The way a person's personal lucky numbers can affect a lottery win is by the types of events and circumstances their personal lucky numbers attract into the person's life.

As an example, if a person has a lucky number 8, the person tends to attract material abundance. But that doesn't mean the abundance comes via a lottery win. It could come in any of numerous ways — generally, as is 8's way, through action taken to accomplish goals rather than depending on chance.

In other words, the types of events and circumstances a person's lucky numbers attract can occur without the lottery. It might have an effect on the lottery if a win would fulfill an occurrence of the types of events and circumstances a lucky number attracts.

But not because personal lucky numbers were played for the win. Instead, either because of happenstance or because a win fits snugly within the types of events and circumstances likely to occur in the person's life.

I've heard the idea expressed that when a person plays their personal lucky numbers often enough and long enough, eventually they'll win.

That may be true. In which case it would also be true for any numbers played often enough and long enough, whether or not they were personal lucky numbers.

Here are links to tools related to personal lucky numbers and lotteries:

  1. Your personal lucky numbers calculator.

  2. Your personal daily lucky numbers calculator.

  3. Powerball lottery numbers generator.

The index to lucky numbers articles has links to more information about lucky numbers.

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